

CO2 refrigeration system

Cooling capacity of 20 to 60 kW (NT + PT)


Transcritical CO2 condensing units with built-in gas cooler for simultaneous production of positive and negative cooling in commercial applications from 30 to 100 kW cooling capacity. The ECO2CUBE compact CO2 plants are characterised by the following features:

  • High reliability and energy efficiency in hot climates.
  • Environmental sustainability.
  • Fast Plug & Play installation.
  • F-Gas 2022 compliant.

Components ECO2Cube INTARCON


Example of installation in a supermarket

ECO2CUBE has been designed to meet the refrigeration needs at different temperatures of medium-sized supermarkets and other commercial establishments.


Installation ECO2Cube - INTARCON

  • 400V 3N 50Hz power supply. Available at 60 Hz. Others voltages by request.
  • Casing built with galvanized steel sheet with epoxy paint for outdoor use with electrical panel and gas cooler.
  • Set of semihermetic CO2 compressor with parallel compression.
    • Up to 3 positive temperature transcritical compressors with the first one Inverter.
    • 1 Inverter parallel compressor.
    • Up to 3 negative temperature booster compressors with Inverter.
  • Variable speed EC axial motor fans.
  • High pressure sector (SP: 120 bar) made with high pressure copper microtubes and equipped with:
    • Separator – oil trap accumulator with filter and electronic oil injection on each compressor.
    • Condenser / gas cooler, made with high pressure copper microtubes and aluminium fins.
    • Internal economizer to ensure sufficient superheat in the parallel compressor suction.
    • High pressure switch, double safety valve.
    • Double gas cooler pressure control valve.
  • Intermediate pressure sector (SP: 52 bar) made of copper tubing and equipped with:
    • CO2 container with double safety valve (PS: 52 bar).
    • Pressure regulating valve with medium pressure relief.
    • Subcooler to ensure subcooling of the liquid line.
    • Filter drier and liquid sight glass.
  • Positive temperature suction line (SP: 45 bar), made of copper tubing and equipped with a double safety valve.
  • Negative temperature suction line (SP: 30 bar), made of copper tubing and equipped with a double safety valve.
  • Emergency unit for CO2 maintenance.
  • Heat recovery for DHW or heating.
  • Pre-configured replacement electronics.
  • Suction filter on low and/or medium temperature lines.
  • Particle separator on low and/or medium temperature suction lines.
  • Emergency unit.
  • Radial fans with EC motor for indoor installation.