Low - GPW HFC and natural refrigerant applications
in indirect refrigeration systems

A response to social and market needs: Chillers with natural gases and R-152a,
with a low critical load in indirect refrigeration systems

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Society’s awareness on climate change and the effects of human activity on global warming has increased in the past few years. Synthetic refrigerant gases with a high greenhouse effect have a huge impact on the greenhouse gas effects of an anthropogenic origin. The regulatory measures of the refrigerant market have accelerated the rejection to use HFCs, and the early adoption of solutions based on natural refrigerants.

What's in this guide?

  • Challenges, responsibilities and trends in the industrial refrigeration and cooling sector.
  • Refrigeration systems: Which is the most suitable?
  • Types of indirect refrigeration systems.
  • Refrigerant gases.
  • Example of chillers with low charge for natural gases and HFCs with GWP < 150 for indirect systems.
  • Conclusions.