Application of natural refrigeration system
with CO2 in bakery industry

Sustainable and environmentally friendly solution

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The company Jovianes has trusted INTARCON for its family-owned cakes and sweets industry, by means of a subcritical CO2 refrigeration system condensed with R-134A refrigerant, respectful with the environment.

This project has been an example of maturity on the part of the client, several systems were evaluated and finally they opted for the one that best adapted to their present and future needs.

What’s in this success story?

  • Refrigeration recommendations for the:
    • The need to expand your facility
    • Approach and solution
    • Advantages and disadvantages
    • Success factors


Bakery industry

Refrigeración respetuosa y sostenible de INTARCON


Solution adapted
to each process

Refrigeración eficiente INTARCON


Natural refrigeration system with CO2